5 non-medicinal quick fixes for a headache

5 non-medicinal ways to get rid of a headache | winstead wandering


Headaches are kind of a pain (see what I did there?). I get a few every month and, at the risk of over-sharing, they seem to closely follow my “cycle” if you know what I mean.

When a headache strikes, most of us don’t have the luxury of dropping everything and holing up in a dark room with a cool cloth. But sometimes, for whatever reason, we want to avoid over-the-counter pills. Maybe, like me, you just try to avoid pharmaceuticals if there’s a non-medicinal alternative that’s just as easy and just as fast. Maybe you’re allergic. Maybe you don’t have access to medicine.

Whatever your reason for seeking alternate solutions, here are five that have been successful for me in getting rid of a headache.

Note: I am not a doctor, nor have any of these statements been evaluated by a doctor. These are just the remedies that have been successful for me.

1. drink a coke

Drinking a Coke gives you a blast of caffeine and sugar. Sometimes a headache can be caused by a lack of caffeine (lack might be the wrong word, but if your body is used to getting caffeine but doesn’t, it certainly thinks it’s lacking), which is why over-the-counter headache medicines contain it. Sometimes your body can use a little sugar, too, which makes Coke a one-two punch.

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